I can’t tell you how much I absolutely love Alberta! You don’t have to travel far to get away from the hustle and bustle that life brings to everyone. I may just have to head out camping a few times this year just to get away from it all.
This weekend I went out into the country with my parents and some family friends. I actually thought that I had seen everything around in this area but boy was I wrong. I knew there were some hidden gems around but I didn’t realize they were this good. I took my camera out and started snapping pictures…….I even came across a wedding he he he Yes I snuck a picture in.
Oh and today I got my new monitor for editing!!!!!! Yay! I am super excited to start editing!!!!
Sorry the picture isn’t great…….darn phone lol
Please pray for the rain to disappear so that we can all get out there and enjoy this beautiful country we live in. Thanks for stopping by!